Eve Lorgen, M.A., CHt.
Eve Lorgen
Author, Researcher and Consultant in Anomalous Trauma. Offering Hypnotherapy, Coaching and Telephone Consulting Services.
Articles and Topics of Interest
- Anomalous Trauma
- Paranormal & Anomalous Trauma Coaching and Hypnotherapy (PATCH)
- Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
- Sexual Abuse
- Anxiety & Depression
- Trauma & Addictions
- Verbal & Emotional Abuse
- Narcissistic Abuse
- Dangerous Relationships
- Boundaries
- Compassionate Communication Skills
- Developing Inner Empathy
- Deepen Your Soul Connection for Life Empowerment
Anomalous Trauma: What Is It?
The term was created in the early 1990′s following several conferences held by Dr. Rima Laibow, PhD., on the Research and Treatment of Experienced Anomalous Trauma. I have used this term to describe unusual experiences such as alien abductions, extraterrestrial contact, mind control, cult abuse and military abductions (MILABS) related to the alien abduction syndrome. Other anomalous trauma experiences include spiritual warfare and near death experiences.
More information about alien abductions, MILABS and alien interference in human interactions is available in the articles section of this website and through my book, The Love Bite: Alien Interference in Human Love Relationships.
Many alien abductees and especially those who have experienced some level of military/secret government level of involvement in their experiences, often suffer from PTSD and many anxiety disorders and addictions. In addition to these conditions many have physical health issues such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, immune disorders and gynecological anomalies.
Due to the ostracism, disbelief and denial by mainstream society, medical and psychological professionals use the term anomalous trauma for these syndromes. Treatment for these syndromes is generally geared towards emotional support, validation of the person’s experience, counseling and hypnotherapy. Regression hypnosis is a useful tool in recovering amnesiac memories and the easing of PTSD symptoms. Other healing methods include prayer, meditation, relaxation, dream work and lucid dreaming. Shamanic healing modalities such as soul retrieval have been found to be effective for some individuals.
Anomalous Trauma: Types & Definitions
- Alien Abductions & Extraterrestrial Contact
- Singular event UFO sightings with an abduction and missing time
- Multiple UFO sightings and alien abductions and/or visitations, with or without multigenerational family involvement with alien visitations
- ET contact with multiple visitations, claims of benevolent Space Brothers
- ET contact via “dream visitations” and channeled information
- Alien Interference in Human Love Relationships
- Aliens setting up two targeted partners
- Aliens breaking up and/or disrupting a love relationship
- Human/Military setting up or breaking up two “abductees or milabs”
- Unseen cult influences to set up/arrange a relationship or marriage
- Related articles.
- Military Abductions (MILABS)
- Alien abductees intermittently taken by human military or “secret government” for interrogation purposes about alien contacts
- Alien abductees sheep dipped and trained as operatives under mind control for “secret government” or intelligence agencies
- Military abductees with no alien contacts. This may involve the “super warriors” under mind control used as covert agents for intelligence or military agencies
- Related articles. New!
- Spiritual Warfare
- Malevolent alien visitations and attacks, such as Greys, Reptilians, Draconians
- Demonic attacks such as incubi, succubus and vampiristic attached entities
- Attacks by “hosted” human beings, black magicians, sorcerers
- Exorcisms, Deliverance and Spirit Releasement experiences Related articles
- Alien versus Demonic Articles NEW!
- Cult Abuse
- Satanic Ritual Abuse, Illuminati Bloodline family cults
- UFO Channeling Cults
- CIA Cult Families
- MK-ULTRA victimization
- Miscellaneous Cults
- Related articles.
- Near Death Experiences
- Traumatic illnesses, or life threatening events which take the person to the other side and back. They may be positive, frightening or just plain shocking.
Angelic Intervention, Near Death Experiences and Spirit Guides
AngelAnomalous trauma victims have often reported angelic interventions in response to prayer or when faced with dangerous life threatening situations. Near Death Experiencers, (NDE’rs) may report seeing an angelic light being assisting them to the other side of reality. A bright light is often experienced with shifts in reality. Others may see familiar relatives who have passed over.
ET contactees and abductees may see “aliens” as helpful “Space Brothers”. In these cases, it must be discerned whether the “space brother” is in fact an alien, or a deceitful shape shifter, as has been reported in numerous alien Grey and Reptilian visitations. There are both positive and negative ET type beings, some of which are quite adept at masquerading as angels of light, when in fact they are not.
Angelic beings such as Archangel Michael have been reported to be helpful in assisting those involved in spiritual warfare. In exorcisms, spirit Releasement and deliverance, believers have reported angelic beings “kick out” demons and parasitic attached entities. Trauma victims who have the ability to dissociate will sometimes have extrasensory perception. This is quite common in the alien abductee population. Repeated contact with ET’s seem to open extrasensory doorways of perception.
Paranormal & Anomalous Trauma Counseling and Hypnotherapy (PATCH)
Our Mission Statement
Our goal is to serve the community with information, counseling and hypnotherapy for those who have experienced unusual types of trauma. These types of experiences include, but are not limited to: alien abductions, ET contact, mind control (such as MK-ULTRA), cult abuse, spiritual warfare, near-death experiences, angelic interventions and anomalous relationship interferences, aka “love bites”. Other types of issues such as narcissistic abuse are included in PATCH.
Counseling and Support Groups
It has been found that being involved in counseling and support groups with other trauma survivors, helps to relieve the discomfort of isolation, anxiety, depression and powerlessness associated with these experiences. PTSD is a common result of anomalous trauma and is often exacerbated by our own culture’s denial of its reality. It is our goal to educate the individual and public that these experiences are valid, and should be addressed just like any other trauma or relationship issues compounded by these events.
Healing Modalities
We incorporate several healing modalities such as transpersonal and holistic body-mind exercises, hypnotic regressions, inner child work, shamanic techniques, dream work, shamatha and insight meditation, journaling and classical one on one counseling. An important part of self-empowerment is learning compassionate communication and developing inner empathy. This deepens ones connection to Soul and strengthens our inner power of divinity. By expanding our awareness, knowledge and support systems, we are better able to make wise choices and live happier lives.